Egg is one of the nutritious foods for a baby. It is really needed daily to grow your baby in a healthy manner. Egg contains many things. It contains choline – B vitamin and DHA – an omega-3 fatty acids which play a vital role in the proper development of a baby’s brain. Egg is a great source of protein. It also contains folate which helps in generating new cells. Vitamin D present in the egg helps in the baby’s bone structure. Lutein – an antioxidant protects baby’s eyes and minerals – iron, zinc, selenium, etc. present in the egg are superb immunity booster.
So, be sure that your baby eats one egg daily for his or her all round development. But you cannot give your babies same preparation of egg daily because they get bored with the same thing easily. You can make many things with egg without damaging its nutritional value. This article will give you some healthy, tasty egg recipes that your baby will surely like.
Egg Dessert for Babies
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 or 2 bananas
vanilla essence
Whisk the egg very well. Grind the sugar finely. Peel banana and slice them finely.
In a container add the whisked egg, milk and sugar. Stir well to mix everything. Boil them on the oven. Keep stirring continuously till the product gets set. Add one teaspoon vanilla essence before removing it from oven. Mix well. Let it cool and keep it in the refrigerator to get cool. Add the banana slices in the custard and serve them. Your baby will surely like this egg preparation.
Mashed Boiled Egg
1 egg
1 potato
1 fresh cilantro
salt, butter and pepper.
Boil egg and potato separately. Always boil potato in the jacket to maintain its nutritional value. Wash a few fresh cilantro leaves properly and chop them finely. After boiling is over shell the egg and remove the jacket of the potato.
Take both boiled egg and potato in a container. Mash them till they turn to smooth paste. Add teaspoon butter in it. Add salt to taste. You may add very little amount of pepper in it. But if your baby is very small like 8-9 months old leave the pepper because they may not tolerate the hot taste of pepper. Now add cilantro and mix it with the paste. Give it to your baby. If your baby is little older like 1 or 2 years and can chew bread then use it as stuffing of sandwich. Your baby will really enjoy this new yummy breakfast preparation.
Baked Egg With Carrot:
This egg preparation is for slightly older babies like 1 or 2 years old or above who have at least some teeth.
1 egg
1 carrot
mozzarella cheese
1 teaspoon butter
Boil egg and shell it. Then slice the egg. Peel carrot, slice them, blanch them and strain the water. Grate mozzarella cheese and melt the butter.
Apply melted butter on a baking tray. Put sliced egg and carrot on it. Sprinkle thick layer of the grated cheese on it and bake it in 180 degrees for 5-6 minutes. Remove it from oven. Leave it for some time to cool down and then give it to your babies. They will really enjoy this snack.