
Oblatne s Jaffa keksima

 Ukusan kolač s Jaffa keksima i oblatnama koji se zaista brzo priprema, ali i zaista brzo nestaje s tanjura... Svakako provjerite naš slatk...

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chocolate-Praline Cake RECIPE

Slikovni rezultat za Chocolate-Praline Cake

For this decadent chocolate-praline cake, sandwich a homemade chocolate ganache between chocolate cake layers, spread the remaining ganache over the sides of the cake, and top with creamy praline frosting.


1 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup cocoa
1 cup water
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
Chocolate Ganache
Praline Frosting
Garnish: pecan halves


Cook first 3 ingredients in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly, until butter melts and mixture is smooth; remove butter mixture from heat.

Beat buttermilk, 2 eggs, baking soda, and vanilla at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth. Add butter mixture to buttermilk mixture, beating until well blended.

Combine sugar, flour, and salt; gradually add to buttermilk mixture, beating until blended.

Coat 3 (9-inch) round cakepans with cooking spray, and line pans with wax paper. Pour cake batter evenly into pans.

Bake at 350° for 18 to 22 minutes or until cake is set. Cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes. Remove from pans, and cool completely on wire racks.

Spread about 1/2 cup Chocolate Ganache between cake layers, and spread remaining ganache on sides of cake.

Pour Praline Frosting slowly over the center of cake, gently spreading to edges, allowing some frosting to run over sides. Freeze, if desired; thaw at room temperature 4 to 6 hours. Garnish, if desired.

7 činjenica o grudima koje sigurno niste znali

Slikovni rezultat za breast

Ženske grudi nepresušno su vrelo umjetničke inspiracije i pažnje. Njihova stimulacija, pak , izaziva ugodu kod oba spola tijekom intimnog odnosa. Unatoč tome, još uvijek postoje neka pitanja vezana uz ovo privatno područje tijela koje bi vas moglo iznenaditi. Provjerite jeste li znali koju od sljedećih činjenica

1. Da muškarci zure u ženske grudi kad god im se pruži prilika i nije neka novost. No studija sveučilišta iz Nebraske koja je koristila aparat za praćenje pogleda pokazala je i da žene češće gledaju u grudi nego u lica drugih pripadnica nježnijeg spola.

2. Svakoga dana u svijetu proizvede se čak 4 milijuna grudnjaka. Usprkos tome statistika upućuje da čak 8 od 10 žena u svijetu nosi grudnjak pogrešne veličine. Ovdje pak pročitajte kako odabrati pravi grudnjak za svoj tip tijela.

3. Postoji četiri različite vrste bradavica – normalne, ravne, ispupčene i uvučene. Normalnim bradavicama se smatraju one koje su ispupčene svega nekoliko milimetra, a vrlo ispupčene su one koje izviruju više od jednog centimetra.

4. Bradavice su češće izloženije isušivanju nego koža na ostatku tijela. Iz tog razloga potrebno ih je redovito mazati hidratantnim kremama.

5. Treća bradavica je medicinski fenomen koji uopće nije rijedak. Pojavljuje se kod čak šest posto ljudi u svijetu, uključujući i muškarce.

6. Veličina grudi stalno se mijenja – a može varirati čak i do jedne veličine košarice grudnjaka. Na promjenu u veličini grudi utječu različito vrijeme u ciklusu mjesečnice. Stručnjaci napominju da se može promijeniti i njihov oblik ako spavate svake noći na trbuhu, te bez potpore jastuka.

7. Malezijska studija iz 2013. godine pokazala je da muškarci slabijeg imovinskog stanja preferiraju žene s većim grudima.

Kašica od graška, pirinča i teletine (za bebe 10+)

Slikovni rezultat za Kašica od graška, pirinča i teletine

Svojoj bebi starijoj od 10 meseci napravite zdrav i ukusan obrok koji će za tili čas nestati sa tanjirića…

Potrebno je:

40g teletine

graška (u veličini bebine šačice)

2 supene kašike pirinča

kolut luka

nekoliko kapi maslinovog ulja


1. Pirinač operite u hladnoj vodi i ostavite da odstoji dok se meso kuva.

2. Teletinu isecite, stavite u posudu i prelijte vodom. Kad voda proključa pokupite penu, dodajte naseckan luk, poklopite i kuvajte oko sat vremena.

3. Petnaestak minuta pred kraj dodajte grašak (osim ako je domaći i zaleđen koji ćete kuvati od početka zajedno s mesom). Grašak možete istisnuti iz opne posle kuvanja, kako bi jelo bilo lepše teksture i lakše varljivo.

4. Pirinač kuvajte u drugoj posudi 15-20 minuta (proverite uputstvo za pripremu na pakovanju).

5. Gotov pirinač ocedite, a meso sitno naseckajte. Dodajte nekoliko kapi maslinovog ulja i sve sastojke promešajte. Sačekajte da se kašica ohladi i ponudite je bebi…


Grašak je mahunarka koja je veoma bogata hranjivim materijama, ugljenim hidratima i vlaknima. Međutim on može izazvati nadimanje, zato ne treba preterati s njegovom količinom u obroku.

Izvor: Recepti za bebe

10 High-Protein Foods That'll Help You Lose More Weight

Slikovni rezultat za 25 High-Protein Foods That'll Help You Lose More Weight


While most veggies average between one to five grams of protein per serving, a cup of peas can contain up to 10 grams, making it one of the most important plant-based protein sources out there, says Mary Dan Eades, M.D., author of Protein Power. But that's not all: Unlike other plant sources, peas also contain high levels of glutamine, an amino acid compound that helps repair your muscles after workouts, improve digestive health, and they've even been shown to reduce sugar and alcohol cravings. In other words, start defrosting that bag in the freezer, like, right now.
<p>While most veggies average between one to five grams of protein per serving, a cup of peas can contain up to 10 grams, making it one of the most important <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/recipes/g1464/vegetarian-meatless-recipes/">plant-based</a> protein sources out there, says Mary Dan Eades, M.D., author of <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0553574752/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0553574752&linkCode=as2&tag=proteinpowerc-20&linkId=UXGQMF7HOVC66EK4">Protein Power</a>. But that's not all: Unlike other plant sources, peas also contain high levels of <a href="http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/glutamine">glutamine</a>, an amino acid compound that helps repair your muscles after workouts, <a href="http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PII0140-6736(93)90939-E/abstract">improve digestive health</a>, and they've even been shown to <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9665311">reduce sugar and alcohol cravings</a>. In other words, start defrosting that bag in the freezer, like, right now. </p>


"Out of all the protein sources, I would put organic wild fish as the best protein choice out there," says Perlmutter. Considering a five-ounce portion packs a hefty 39 grams of protein in it, we totally get why. Not to mention it's full of omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower the risk of coronary heart disease, keep your LDL cholesterol levels in check (that's the bad kind), and reduce inflammation. While farmed salmon has a decent amount of nutrients in it, Perlmutter says it's worth getting the wild variety, which the USDA says has around 130 fewer calories per serving.
<p>"Out of all the protein sources, I would put organic wild fish as the best protein choice out there," says Perlmutter. Considering a five-ounce portion packs a hefty 39 grams of protein in it, we totally get why. Not to mention it's full of omega-3 fatty acids, which <a href="http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/omega-3-fatty-acids-fish-oil-alpha-linolenic-acid/background/hrb-20059372">help</a> lower the risk of coronary heart disease, keep your LDL cholesterol levels in check (that's the bad kind), and reduce inflammation. While farmed salmon has a decent amount of nutrients in it, Perlmutter says it's worth getting the wild variety, which the <a href="https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list">USDA</a> says has around 130 fewer calories per serving.</p>


Cheese fans, rejoice: You don't need to make a huge sacrifice when you're trying to lose weight. With a whopping 25 grams of protein and only 200 calories in a cup, a scoop of cottage cheese makes for a filling afternoon snack. Plus it's chock-full of casein, a dairy protein that ultimately keeps you full longer, so you won't be so tempted by that damn vending machine come 3:00 PM.
<p><a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/entertaining/features/g2735/best-cheese-recipes/">Cheese fans</a>, rejoice: You don't need to make a huge sacrifice when you're trying to <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/health-fitness/advice/g1129/tips-to-lose-weight-fast/">lose weight</a>. With a whopping 25 grams of protein and only 200 calories in a cup, a scoop of cottage cheese makes for a <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/advice/g545/low-calorie-snacks-healthy/">filling afternoon snack</a>. Plus it's chock-full of <a href="http://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/hn-10008598">casein</a>, a dairy protein that ultimately keeps you full longer, so you won't be so tempted by that damn vending machine come 3:00 PM. </p>


But we're not just talking egg whites, people. Even though some claim there's too much cholesterol and saturated fat in the yolk, Eades points out that the yolk is exactly where you'll find tons of vitamins A, D, and E—stuff you're not going to get in the whites alone. And you can't argue with the heart healthy omega-3s, which research has shown reduces the risk of heart disease and weight problems. In other words, the whole egg is much more nutritious and contains around six grams of protein, so there's no need to toss any of it aside.
<p>But we're not just talking egg whites, people. Even though some claim there's too much cholesterol and saturated fat in the yolk, Eades points out that the yolk is exactly where you'll find tons of vitamins A, D, and E—stuff you're not going to get in the whites alone. And you can't argue with the heart healthy omega-3s, which <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/24438852_Plasma_n-3_Polyunsaturated_Fatty_Acids_are_negatively_associated_with_obesity">research</a> has shown reduces the risk of heart disease and weight problems. In other words, the whole egg is much more nutritious and contains around six grams of protein, so there's no need to toss any of it aside.</p>


Although the Paleo diet may be a bit controversial, Perlmutter says followers of the plan are definitely right about their devotion to grass-fed steak. Now that new research has disproven the age-old belief that there's a link between dietary saturated fat and heart disease (there isn't), Perlmutter says having a lean sirloin—which has a cool 22.5 grams of protein in just three ounces—from time to time is clutch. One caveat: "When picking out beef, make sure it is grass-fed and not grain-fed," explains Perlmutter. "Grain-fed protein sources are going to increase inflammation because of the omega-6 fatty acids in them." Inflammation can lead to more belly fat, so it's basically the exact opposite of what you're going for.
<p>Although the <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/g2988/paleo-diet-facts/">Paleo diet</a> may be a bit <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/a42720/paleo-diets-side-effect/">controversial</a>, Perlmutter says followers of the plan are definitely right about their devotion to grass-fed steak. Now that <a href="http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0113605">new research</a> has disproven the age-old belief that there's a link between dietary saturated fat and heart disease (there isn't), Perlmutter says having a lean sirloin—which has a cool 22.5 grams of protein in just three ounces—from time to time is clutch. One caveat: "When picking out beef, make sure it is grass-fed and not grain-fed," explains Perlmutter. "Grain-fed protein sources are going to increase inflammation because of the omega-6 fatty acids in them." Inflammation can lead to more <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/health-fitness/features/a41365/how-to-lose-belly-fat/">belly fat</a>, so it's basically the exact opposite of what you're going for. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></p>


Okay, okay, it's not as protein-packed as, say, eating a three-ounce tenderloin. But for a plant-based protein source, it fairs pretty well. One artichoke has about five grams of the stuff, not to mention 11 grams of fat-blasting fiber. And Perlmutter explains that veggies like artichokes are filled with essential—yet hard to find—prebiotic fiber, which helps reduce inflammation, keeps gut bacteria in check, and satiates you for hours. So, when looking at all the nutritional bennies, it's clear that these guys are worth it.
<p>Okay, okay, it's not as protein-packed as, say, eating a three-ounce tenderloin. But for a plant-based protein source, it fairs pretty well. One artichoke has about five grams of the stuff, not to mention 11 grams of <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/features/g2813/fiber-foods/">fat-blasting fiber</a>. And Perlmutter explains that veggies like artichokes are filled with essential—yet hard to find—prebiotic fiber, which helps <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/health-fitness/a42341/digestive-problems/">reduce inflammation</a>, keeps gut bacteria in check, and satiates you for hours. So, when looking at all the nutritional bennies, it's clear that these guys are worth it. </p>


Along with 15 grams of protein—which, we might add, is pretty darn impressive for a fruit—coconut is also high in theronine, an amino acid your body uses to prevent fat buildup in the liver and speed up recovery after a butt-busting workout. Don't have an actual coconut handy (unless you're on a tropical vacay, in which case we're really jeal)? You can still reap some of the health bennies from its derivatives, like coconut flour (four grams of protein in two tablespoons), milk (five grams per cup) and butter (two grams in two tablespoons).


Before going to town on the salad you whipped up for lunch, top it off with a small scoop of crunchy pumpkin seeds. Even a tablespoon serving can pack three to five grams of protein in it. Of course, with the sneaky calorie count—there are about 60 calories per tablespoon—you shouldn't go cray-cray. Measure out a tablespoon before sprinkling into your bowl.
<p>Before going to town on the <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/advice/g769/salad-for-dinner/?">salad</a> you whipped up for <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/healthy-eating/advice/g769/salad-for-dinner/?">lunch</a>, top it off with a small scoop of crunchy <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/g3001/pumpkin-seeds/?">pumpkin seeds</a>. Even a tablespoon serving can pack three to five grams of protein in it. Of course, with the sneaky calorie count—there are about 60 calories per tablespoon—you shouldn't go cray-cray. Measure out a tablespoon before sprinkling into your bowl.</p>


Generally speaking, organic white beans are a good way to rack up protein points without having to resort to an animal-based source, says Eades. Whether they're in the form of navy bean soup or eaten as a side dish with dinner, a one-cup serving contains about 16 grams of protein and a hefty amount of thiamine, a vitamin that helps your body metabolize carbs more efficiently. Before you load up your cart, though, make sure you're picking out the right kind of white beans, explains Perlmutter. "A lot of the legumes we are picking up nowadays have been treated with harmful herbicides, so it's important consumers are eating something that is organically-grown and not treated with harsh chemicals."
<p>Generally speaking, organic white beans are a good way to rack up protein points without having to resort to an animal-based source, says Eades. Whether they're in the form of navy bean soup or eaten as a <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/news/g3019/thanksgiving-side-dishes/?">side dish with dinner</a>, a one-cup serving contains about 16 grams of protein and a hefty amount of <a href="http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/thiamine/background/hrb-20060129">thiamine</a>, a vitamin that helps your body metabolize carbs more efficiently. Before you load up your cart, though, make sure you're picking out the right kind of white beans, explains Perlmutter. "A lot of the legumes we are picking up nowadays have been treated with harmful herbicides, so it's important consumers are eating something that is organically-grown and not treated with harsh chemicals."</p>


You can't really argue with the numbers here: One cup of garbanzo beans equals a third of your daily protein recommendation and an impressive 19 grams of fiber. Plus, studies have shown that those who added legumes into a low-calorie diet lost about 50 percent more weight than those who didn't because of all the slow-to-digest, plant-based fiber they contain. Our advice? Go for the hummus and baby carrots, but stick to a two tablespoon serving instead of going at it directly from the tub, as it's way too easy to go overboard on the stuff (trust us on that one, we know from experience).
<p>You can't really argue with the numbers here: One cup of garbanzo beans equals a third of your daily protein recommendation and an impressive 19 grams of fiber. Plus, <a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19298202">studies</a> have shown that those who added legumes into a <a href="http://www.redbookmag.com/body/health-fitness/features/g3134/top-diet-plans/">low-calorie diet</a> lost about 50 percent more weight than those who didn't because of all the slow-to-digest, plant-based fiber they contain. Our advice? Go for the hummus and baby carrots, but stick to a two tablespoon serving instead of going at it directly from the tub, as it's way too easy to go overboard on the stuff (trust us on that one, we know from experience). </p>

Dijeta iscrpljivanja ugljikohidrata

Slikovni rezultat za carbohydrates diet

Iako pomalo zastrašujući naziv Dijeta iscrpljivanja odnosi se na sedmodnevno iscrpljivanje zaliha ugljikohidrata. Ona se provodi na početku nekog programa eliminiranja masnih naslaga i traje pet do sedam dana. Vrlo je efikasna jer iscrpljivanjem zaliha ugljikohidrata tijelo „učimo“ gdje su masne naslage da bi kasnije lakše došlo do njih i iskoristilo ih kao energiju.To je kao da svoj metabolizam i topljenje masnih naslaga uključite na „ON“.

Zašto „dijeta“ kad znamo da dijete dugoročno nisu dobre za naše zdravlje i ne pridonose vitkijem izgledu? Zato što se na samo nekoliko dana odričemo unosa ugljikohidrata da bismo u nastavku programa učinkovitije topili masne naslage s kritičnih dijelova tijela.

Na kraju Dijete iscrpljivanja, nakon samo sedam dana, osjećat ćete se punom energije, bit ćete vitkija, nestati će onaj mekani i želatinozni izgled kože, a metabolizam će se drastično ubrzati.

Konzumirani ugljikohidrati uskladištavaju se u mišiće u obliku glikogena, ali samo do određene granice. Kada su zalihe glikogena pune, tijelo uskladištava sav višak ugljikohidrata u obliku masnih naslaga i tako počinje debljanje.

Ljudsko tijelo je programirano tako da prvo crpi zalihe energije iz glikogena (ugljikohidrata). Kada glikogen nije dostupan, tijelo će naučiti crpiti energiju iz masnih naslaga i tako počinje mršavljenje. Kad tijelo nauči tu važnu lekciju, mršavljenje ide puno brže i efikasnije.

Da bi se iscrpile zalihe glikogena u tijelu potrebno je svega 72 sata. Nakon toga, glikogena više nema u mišićima i organizam počinje trošiti masne naslage kao energiju.

Iako iscrpljivanje zaliha ugljikohidrata nije lak posao, ono ima vrlo pozitivna djelovanja na kasnije brže eliminiranje masnih naslaga:

1. Podešava metabolizam kako bi lakše iskoristio masne naslage kao energiju.
2. Stabilizira razinu šećera u krvi i smanjuje ovisnost o šećeru.
3. Podešava mišiće i hormone da bolje iskorištavaju ugljikohidrate koje ćete kasnije unositi (topljenje masnih naslaga čini lakšim).

Plan prehrane tijekom dijete iscrpljivanja mora se strogo poštivati. Kreiran je na način da se dnevno ne unese više od 20 grama ugljikohidrata. Ako strogo slijedite ovaj plan prehrane tijekom Dijete iscrpljivanja, mršavljenje će kasnije biti puno brže i efikasnije. Ne zaboravite da iscrpljivanje zaliha ugljikohidrata traje samo sedam dana. Nakon isteka tih sedam dana moći ćete jesti ugljikohidrate, a ponekad i biti fleksibilniji u izboru obroka.

Bjelančevine su okosnica plana prehrane tijekom ove dijete i moraju biti konzumirane pri svakom obroku. Povrće je također vrlo važan sastojak svih obroka, međutim tijekom iscrpljivanja nisu dozvoljene sve vrste povrća. Lista dozvoljenih vrsta povrća je niže dolje.

Obzirom da drastično reduciramo unos ugljikohidrata u dijeti iscrpljivanja, tijelo mora naći energiju iz nekog drugog izvora. Tu nastupaju dobre masnoće koje će pomoći tijelu da ima dovoljno energije tijekom ove dijete.

Prvih par dana sedmodnevnog iscrpljivanja primijetit ćete fluktuacije u razini energije.Izdržite to i hrabro nastavite dalje pogotovo ako osjetite pad energije. Nakon isteka ovih sedam dana osjećat ćete se puno bolje i biti ćete vitkiji, a vaš metabolizam biti će programiran na trošenje masnih naslaga kao izvora energije.

Također, nakon par dana držanja ove dijete i nakon nedostatka energije, moguć je iznenadan uzlet energije i odličnog osjećaja. Ta pozitivna promjena rezultat je toga što je tijelo počelo koristiti masnoće kao izvor energije.

VAŽNO 1: iscrpljivanje ugljikohidrata može se koristiti najviše dva do tri puta godišnje. Ako Dijetu iscrpljivanja zloupotrijebite i koristite više od toga, riskirate usporavanje metabolizma i trošenje dragocjenih mišića kao izvora energije. Stoga oprez sa iscrpljivanjem zaliha ugljikohidrata!

VAŽNO 2: tjedan dana prije držanja Dijete iscrpljivanja zaliha ugljikohidrata normalno jedite kako biste se pripremili za dijetu fiziološki i psihološki. Ako sa dijetom počinjete u ponedjeljak, u nedjelju prije se dobro najedite, ali bez prežderavanja!

Pravila i smjernice dijete iscrpljivanja UH

* Držite se plana prehrane jer o njemu ovisi daljnji uspjeh u eliminaciji masnih naslaga  (možete napraviti svoj plan prehrane ovisno o vašim preferencijama, s time da se pridržavate  liste dozvoljenih bjelančevina, povrća i masnoća).
* Vodite dnevnik prehrane.
* Jedite svaka tri do četiri sata.
* Minimalan broj obroka je četiri dnevno, idealno bi bilo pet do šest manjih obroka.
* Maksimalan dnevni unos ugljikohidrata do 20 grama.
* Čuvajte se skrivenih ugljikohidrata u raznim preljevima i začinima (kečap, senf, hren,    majoneza i sl).Voće niti voćni sokovi nisu dozvoljeni.
*Vježbajte manje intenzivno.
* Uzimajte dovoljno zdravih masnoća dnevno.
* Alkohol nije dozvoljen.
* Pijte barem 1,5 litru vode dnevno.
* Ako nemate dovoljno energije za vježbanje, smanjite intenzitet vježbanja ili nemojte uopće  vježbati, slušajte svoje tijelo.

* Koristite proteinski prah s najviše 3 grama ugljikohidrata po mjerici praha.

Dozvoljeni izvori bjelančevina

Dijeta iscrpljivanja UH; jajePiletina, bijelo meso
Puretina, bijelo meso
Riba, tunjevina u konzervi
Nemasna govedina
Bjelanjci (na 2-3 bjelanjka dozvoljen je jedan žutanjak) OBAVEZNO DOMAĆA
Proteinski prah

Posni sir (jednom dnevno)

Dozvoljene vrste povrća

Dijeta iscrpljivanja UH; brokulaBrokula (što više to bolje)
Lisnato povrće (rikula, blitva, špinat, zelena salata)
Crveni luk


Dozvoljene masnoće (1 serviranje – veličina vrha palca do zgloba)

Sijeta iscrpljivanja UH; maslineMaslinovo ulje (koristiti samo u salatama, ne zagrijavati)
Kokosovo ulje (odlično podnosi visoke temperature, moguće je nabaviti kokosovo ulje bez slatkastog okusa)
Domaći putar (dobro podnosi visoke temperature)
Laneno ulje (koristiti samo u salatama)
Punomasni sir (par kockica)
Majoneza (maksimalno 1 žličica po obroku)
Šnita pršuta (maksimalno 1 šnita)
3 masline

Sarma u novom ruhu: Recept s novim dodatkom koji još niste probali


Iako je svatko priprema na svoj način, tradicionalni recept za sarmu ima osnovnu bazu koja se sastoji od kiselog zelja, mljevenog mesa i riže. No ovo ukusno i osvježavajuće jelo može postati još zanimljivije uz samo jednu malu izmjenu u receptu.

Riječ je o ječmu koji u ovoj priči ima ulogu riže. Ječam ima puno bogatiji okus te sarmi može podariti novu i zanimljivu notu. Donosimo provjereni recept za malo drugačiju sarmu u kojoj će uživati vaša cijela obitelj.

"Iako je svatko priprema na svoj način, tradicionalni recept za sarmu ima osnovnu bazu koja se sastoji od kiselog zelja, mljevenog mesa i riže"


- 1 glavica kiselog kupusa i narezano zelje
- 1 kg mješanog mljevenog mesa
- 1 veća glavica luka
- 6 češnjeva češnjaka
- 1 velika šalica ječma (ili riže)
- Peršin
- Sol, papar
- Crvena paprika u prahu
- Lovorov list


1. U šalicu stavite ječam i napunite je toplom vodom te ostavite da stoji dok pripremate meso.

2. U zdjelu stavite meso te dodajte nasjeckani luk i 3 češnjak te sol, papar, peršin i papriku.

3. Potom dodajte i procijeđenu rižu te sve zajedno dobro izmiješajte rukama.

4. U veliki lonac stavite malo ulja ili svinjske masti te ga zagrijte na vatri.

5. Dodajte nasjeckani ostatak češnjaka te ga kratko popržite pa ubacite rezano zelje.

6. Zelje pirjajte oko 15 minuta i dodajte malo papra i paprike u prahu.

7. Maknite zelje s vatre i krenite puniti lišće kiselog zelja s mesom.

8. Polovicu pirjanog zelja ostavite na dnu lonca, a drugu polovicu izvadite i odložite na tanjur.

9. Sarme posložite u lonac te na kraju na vrh stavite ostatak pirjanog narezanog zelja.

10. Dodajte vode toliko da pokrije sarme i zelje, dodajte i lovor te kuhajte na laganoj vatri 2 do 2,5 sata.


- Ječam se 'pomnaša' isto kao i riža pa ovaj recept možete upotrijebiti na oba načina
- Za bogatiji okus dodajte kožicu pancete ili komad suhog mesa
- Poslužite uz kuhani krumpir, pire ili palentu

Green Beans Baby Food Recipes and Tips

Slikovni rezultat za Green Beans Baby Food Recipes and Tips

The facts about green beans

Green beans (also known as snap beans, string beans, French beans or runner beans in different parts of the world) are related to other beans like kidney beans and pinto beans. But the big difference is that the seed AND the pod can be eaten, because they are picked at the green, immature stage, whilst the pod is still tender and the bean inside is only just beginning to grow.

These days, green beans are minus the ‘string’ that used to run down their length and had to be removed prior to cooking – so the name ‘string beans’ is rather outdated now and does the modern day crunchy bean a bit of a disservice!

Fresh green beans cannot be beaten in terms of flavour, vibrancy of colour and crispy texture – but many brands of frozen green bean come a close second. You can also use salt-free, canned green beans if they are not available either fresh or frozen in your corner of the world.

Nutritional benefits

Green beans are absolutely packed with important nutrients for your baby…

vitamin Cvitamin A (through beta-carotene… yes, it occurs in green veggies, too!)vitamin KmagnesiummanganesethiamincopperriboflavinproteinphosphoruscalciumfibrepotassiumfolateironOmega 3 fatty acids
Whew! And not only do these nutrients play a useful role in your baby’s healthy development, they also help prevent conditions like asthma and – in later life – help protect the heart.

Choosing green beans to prepare for baby

Fresh green beans should have a bright colour and should ‘snap’ when broken (so it’s best to buy them loose rather than pre-packed in order to put their ‘snappiness’ to the test!).

Avoid wrinkled green beans or those with brown spots, as they will probably not be as fresh as you’d like! You should also avoid green beans where the outline of the beans themselves is visible through the pods – these will likely be tough rather than tender.

It is possible to buy green beans with the ends pre-cut (to save you having to do it!). ONLY buy pre-cut beans if the cut ends look fresh, green and damp. If they are dry, the beans were probably cut a few days previously.

Storing green beans for your baby food recipes

Simply wrap fresh green beans in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator crisper for around 5 days.

If you have more fresh green beans than you can use, freeze the excess – it’s easy to do! But first you need to blanch the beans.


Prepare a bowl containing cold water and ice cubes.

Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, tip in your beans and cook for 3 minutes.

Drain the beans, then immediately plunge them into the iced water – this will instantly halt the cooking process.

Your beans are now ready for the freezer!

Alternatively, make a green bean puree (below) and freeze the puree instead!

When can my baby eat green beans?

Green beans may be introduced to your baby from 6 months of age (with your doctor’s consent). However, you may wish to wait until later in your baby’s first year is your little one is prone to gas – beans, including green beans, are notorious for causing gas in babies (and in adults, too!).

Remember to observe the four day rule when introducing green beans to your baby – and if any digestive problems DO result, or if they trigger an allergic reaction, then you’ll know for sure that the beans are to blame.

How to cook green beans for baby

After washing your beans in cold, fresh water, remove the stem end. It’s not usually necessary to remove the other, curved end. You can then cut them into 2 inch pieces for cooking – or just leave them whole.

Green beans can be boiled in a little water – or steamed – for around 4-5 minutes until nice and tender.


… transfer the cooked beans to a food processor and add a little water (preferably the water they were cooked in, if boiled) or milk and blend until as smooth as possible.

Green beans can be difficult to get completely smooth, however. Adding water to the mixture certainly helps, but another option is to push the beans through a very fine mesh strainer AFTER processing in the blender, which removes those stubborn little bits!

For a creamier puree, try cooking a diced potato with the beans and pureeing them together.

Important note…

You may have heard that you can preserve the bright colour of green beans by adding baking soda/bicarbonate of soda to the water when boiling them.

DON’T DO IT – it destroys the vitamin C content of the beans!

Green beans baby food recipes and ideas

Green beans can be mashed or pureed with other veggies – parsnips or potatoes are particularly good – to make nutritious vegetable combos.

Here are some more suggestions that will have your baby clamouring for second helpings…

Try simmering green beans in apple juice for a yummy, sweet flavour.Simmer beans in stock/broth instead of plain water – like the apple juice, this is a great technique to use if you need to encourage your baby to eat vegetables.Add a good pinch of thyme or marjoram to the water in which you cook them.Toss cooked green beans with a simple, homemade herb butter. Just combine 1 tbsp softened butter with 1 tbsp chopped, fresh herbs (try tarragon or dill – they’re wonderful with beans!).For older babies, toss green beans with olive oil, a little freshly squeezed lemon juice and a little garlic powder.Serve sprinkled with grated cheese.Add fresh mint to the steamer basket or pot when cooking green beans – mmm, delicious!
Handy Tip

If you toss green beans with an acidic ingredient – like lemon juice – their vibrant colour tends to darken. To avoid this, don’t toss the green beans until you’re ready to serve them!

Green Beans as a Finger Food for Baby

Green beans make a wonderfully healthy finger food for babies. Simply blanch them (using the method described earlier in this article) and you have a tender, easy-to-manage snack that your baby can enjoy at home – or which you can pop into a container to take out on your travels.

Try serving them with a dip for older babies – little ones love to dip their food and green beans are the perfect size and shape for the job. A roasted red pepper dip tastes great with green beans (you can find the instructions for making it on our Bell Pepper page).

Gorgeous green bean soup

Here’s a recipe for a yummy, warming soup that’s simply packed with goodness!

6 fl oz (3/4 cup) low sodium or homemade chicken stock
pinch dried thyme
1 tbsp unsalted butter
4 fl oz (1/2 cup) milk (use breast milk or formula if you prefer)
1 tbsp flour
4 oz (3/4 cup) green beans
2 oz (1/4 cup) sliced onion

In a saucepan, combine the chicken stock, onion, green beans and thyme.
Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 15 mins.
Transfer the mixture to a food processor and blend thoroughly.
Melt the butter in the same saucepan and sprinkle in the flour.
Stir the flour and butter together and cook for a few minutes.
Turn off the heat and gradually blend in the milk. Whisk to remove any lumps.
Set the heat to medium and cook, stirring well, until thick.
Pour the vegetable mixture back into the saucepan, stir well until heated through, then cool slightly and serve!

Slikovni rezultat za Green Beans Baby Food Recipes and Tips

Pet razloga zašto ne bi trebali stavljati fotografije djece na Facebook

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Neki roditelji tijekom cijele godine stavljaju fotografije kćerki i sinova na popularnu društvenu mrežu kako bi s prijateljima i obitelji podijelili neke važne i radosne trenutke. Na prvu, u tome nema ništa loše. U redu je ponositi se svojim djetetom, u redu je željeti podijeliti razne uspomene s prijateljima i mnogi se vesele vidjeti i lajkati djecu u raznim zanimljivim životnim situacijama.

No stručnjaci upozoravaju da prije no što stavite fotografiju svog djeteta na Facebook dobro promislite jer time, vjerojatno nesvjesno, ugrožavate njegovu sigurnost.

Pet razloga zašto ne biste trebali stavljati fotografije svoje djece na Facebook:

1. Većina društvenih mreža i aplikacija ima ugrađeno geolociranje na koje pristajemo kada aplikaciju instaliramo na svoj pametni telefon. To znači da će uz postavljanje bilo koje fotografije, Facebook ponuditi i označavanje lokacije na kojoj se nalazi vaša obitelj, odnosno vaša djeca. Čak i ako ne označite gdje se trenutno nalazite, fotografije u sličnom ambijentu ili s prepoznatljivom okolinom, daju vrlo jasnu informaciju gdje se nalazi vaše dijete i gdje ga se može pronaći.

2. Neke fotografije mogu otkriti kojim se hobijima i izvanškolskim aktivnostima bavi vaše dijete i gdje ga se može pronaći barem dva puta tjedno. Isto tako, one mogu otkriti u kojem kvartu živite, pa čak i na kojoj adresi i u kojoj zgradi ili kući, odnosno koji vrtić ili školu pohađaju vaša djeca. Mnogo informacija može se iskonstruirati iz fotografija. Ovdje vrijedi ona poznata “Slika govori tisuću riječi”.

3. Fotografije gole ili polugole djece roditeljima i obitelji potpuno su nevine, slatke i simpatične, ali postoje ljudi koji će na njih gledati na potpuno drugačiji način, spremati ih na svoje računalo, preprodavati dalje pojedincima o kojima čitamo u crnim kronikama.

4. Svako dijete je individua i osobnost za sebe te bi bilo najpoštenije pitati dijete želi li da njegove fotografije budu javno objavljene. Naime, roditelji činjenicu da mogu bilo kad i bilo kakvu fotografiju svog djeteta staviti na Facebook uzimaju zdravo za gotovo, dok s druge strane vrlo pomno razmišljaju koju će vlastitu fotografiju objaviti javno. Ne zaboravimo da sve što se objavi javno i na društvenim mrežama, više nikad ne može biti izbrisano. Jednog dana dijete bi se moglo osjećati posramljeno ili ljutito što ste neke njegove fotografije stavili na internet.

5. U trenutku kad roditelj stavi fotografiju svog djeteta na internet ona prestaje biti njihovo vlasništvo i postaje javno. Ne možemo niti naslutiti gdje te fotografije i u čijim rukama završavaju.

Čak i ako roditelji smatraju da su ovi razlozi pretjerivanje i ne vide ništa loše u stavljanju fotografija svoje djece na internet, najmanje što mogu učiniti je da izaberu fotografije koje ne govore ništa o tome gdje se dijete trenutno nalazi, gdje živi i ostale osobne podatke.

Čokoladni hrskavci: Napravite grickalicu gotovu dok kažete keks

Čokolada i žitne pahuljice glavni su sastojci grickalice koju obožavaju i djeca i odrasli

Čokolada i žitne pahuljice glavni su sastojci grickalice koju obožavaju i djeca i odrasli, a vrlo ju je lako napraviti. Zasladite se neodoljivim čokoladnim hrskavcima

Volite li čokoladu, a jede vam se i nešto hrskavo, onda su čokoladni hrskavci stvoreni za vas. Napravite ovu čokoladnu grickalicu gotovu u pola sata koja može zamijeniti i popularnu slanu grickalicu, kokice.

"Čokolada i žitne pahuljice glavni su sastojci grickalice koju obožavaju i djeca i odrasli, a vrlo ju je lako napraviti"


- 160 grama Nutelle
- 1 vanilin šećer
- 150 grama čokolade u kockicama
- 20 grama maslaca
- 100 grama žitnih pahuljica


1. U čašu stavite Nutellu, dodajte vanilin šećer, čokoladu u kockicama i maslac.

2. U lončiću zagrijte vodu i kada je voda blizu stupnja ključanja stavite u nju čašu te ostavite dok se sastojci ne otope i ne prožmu. Kako bi se sastojci što više stopili promiješajte ih žlicom.

3. U posudu uspite žitne pahuljice te preko njih prelijte otopljenu čokoladu i dobro sve skupa promiješajte.

4. Pomoću žlice oblikujte hrskavce i posložite ih na papir za pečenje.

5. Hrskavce stavite u zamrzivač i pustite da odstoje 20 minuta kako bi se čokolada stisnula. Izvadite hruskavce iz zamrzivača i - u slast!

Savjet: Po želji otopljenom čokoladnom preljevu dodajte veće komadiće badema koji će ovu slasticu učiniti još više neodoljivom.


Ljekoviti napitak od 3 sastojka za imunitet i mršavljenje

Napitak s limunom i medom

Jedan od takvih recepata je i topli napitak od samo dva sastojka koji za vaše tijelo čini čuda. Doznajte što se događa s vašim tijelom ako svako jutro popijete ovaj čarobni napitak na tašte.

Može li nešto toliko jednostavno doista biti toliko dobro za naše tijelo? Potvrdan odgovor uvijek dolazi iz prirode, a zahvaljujući ovim sastojcima tajna zdravlja i energije krije se u samo jednoj čaši. Riječ je o toplom napitku od samo dva sastojka - meda i limuna.

Kako konzumirati napitak s limunom i medom?
- Želite li postići maksimalne rezultate napitak morate piti svako jutro na prazan želudac.
- Kako bi dobio maksimalan utjecaj na vaš organizam, napitak pijte minimalno tri mjeseca.
- Prve pozitivne rezultate osjetit ćete već nakon desetak dana.

Blagodati toplog napitka s limunom i medom

- Jača imunitet i štiti nas od bakterija i virusa.

- Suzbija simptome bolesti poput kihanja, kašlja, slabine i malaksalosti.

- Zamjenjuje kavu i daje nam veliku količinu jutarnje energije.

- Hidratizira tijelo i štiti od jutarnje glavobolje.

- Suzbija jutarnji osjećaj umora i pospanosti.

- Učinkovito pomaže kod mršavljenja.

Ljekovita svojstva napitka s limunom i medom

- Rješava probleme urinarnog trakta poput upale mjehura

- Ubrzava metabolizam i snižava kolesterol

- Rješava probavne smetnje poput zatvora

- Djeluje kao moćan duiretik

- Čisti kožu, djeluje antibakterijski i činije mekom i elastičnom


1. Zakuhajte vodu te je ostavite sa strane da se ohladi toliko da je možete piti.

2. Vodu prelijte u šalicu te dodajte domaći med i iscijedite polovicu (ili četvrtinu većeg) limuna.

3. Miješajte dok se med ne otopi te popijte cijeli topli napitak.

4. Postupak ponavljajte svako jutro.