
Oblatne s Jaffa keksima

 Ukusan kolač s Jaffa keksima i oblatnama koji se zaista brzo priprema, ali i zaista brzo nestaje s tanjura... Svakako provjerite naš slatk...

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Strawberry Lime Mojito Cheesecake Recipe

How to make Strawberry Mojitos at Home

I don’t know what I should say before I write about this dessert but you have to try it yourself. All I can say is ‘it surely is a family favourite treat’. Have a look:


Frozen strawberries: 10 ounces
Fresh strawberries: 16 ounces
Fresh lime juice: 1 cup
Whole eggs: 2 large
Egg yolks: 6
Coconut oil: 1/3 cup
Coconut cream: ½ cup
Tapioca starch: 2 tbsp.
Raw honey: ½ cup
Coconut sugar: ¾ cup
Butter: 6 tbsp. melted
Almond flour: 2 cup
Medjool dates: 1 cup
Vanilla extract: 1 tsp.


Take a 9” cheese cake pan and grease with coconut oil and prepare the dough.
For Dough: Put almond flour, dates and vanilla extract in the food processor and blend until mixed well and forms a sticky mixture. Put this mixture in already greased pan and place in refrigerator meanwhile you prepare the cake filling
For Filling: Take a bowl and put softened butter and sugar and beat with electric beater add honey and keep beating until it forms a little runny smooth mixture. Now add all the eggs and egg yolks one by one and beat for 4-5 minutes until it is well mixed and in fluffy creamy texture.
Take another bowl and combine lime juice and tapioca starch and mix with a spoon until the starch is dissolved completely. Now add this mixture to the creamy mixture and run the beater again for 2-3 minutes to combine all the ingredients.
Now take a heavy bottom sauce pan and pour this mixture into it and cook over low-medium heat and constantly stir until the mixture is smooth and forms thick texture. Remove from the heat and add coconut cream and coconut oil in it and mix by folding with a spatula until it is mixed well.
Get the previously made crust out of the fridge and pour this creamy mixture over it and refrigerate overnight or for 5-6 hours. I prefer overnight so it will settle properly.
Now liquefy the frozen strawberries in a bowl and press over strainer until you get a fine ½ cup of strawberry juice. Set aside the drained strawberries we will be using them later. Add the remaining 1 tbsp. of tapioca starch in strawberry starch and heat the mixture until it is thick and smooth. Now mix the drained strawberries in it and let it cool. When cool properly pour this mixture over the cheese cake. Now slice the strawberries and decorate the cake with fresh strawberry slices and return to refrigerator for further 2-3 hours.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake Recipe

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake

Gluten is a mixture of some proteins found in wheat and grains like oats, barley, and other related items. Gluten basically meant glue which means it has something in it that makes the dough sticky and combined together to give chewy consistency. Gluten might have adverse reactions over some people and for people like these and for who are on a diet and avoiding gluten from their diets shouldn’t be sad about. Here is the recipe of gluten free Chocolate cake.


Butter 2 cups (little for greasing)
Gluten free flour 2 cups (little for dusting)
Golden sugar 2 cups
Eggs 4 large
Baking powder 1 tsp. (Gluten free)
Vanilla extract 1 tsp.
Xanthan Gum ¼ tsp.
Cocoa Powder 6 tbsp.
Milk 3 tbsp.

For Icing and Filling:

Sugar 1- ¼ cups
Cocoa powder 4 tbsp.
Unsalted butter 6 tbsp.
Cream cheese 6 tbsp.
Raspberries a handful or 5-6 tbsp. (fresh)
A bar of dark chocolate to sprinkle and serve


1.  Preheat the oven and grease two normal sized round cake pans with butter and dust the sides of it with gluten free flour and set aside.
 2.  In a large bowl beat butter and sugar, until it forms creamy and fluffy texture. Now add eggs and vanilla extract and beat well until smooth.
3.  Now pour gluten free flour, cocoa powder, xanthan gum and baking powder in egg and butter mixture and fold the mixture well with the help of spatula until it forms smooth and nice form of batter.
4.  Pour the mixture carefully and equally in two cake pans and place in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until cooked completely. You can check by inserted skewer into the cake if it comes out clean it means the cake is ready. Before getting is out of the pan allow it to cool down completely. Meanwhile, you can prepare filling and icing.

Čaj od korijena maslačka

Slikovni rezultat za maslačka

Maslačak je biljka koja uspijeva na svakom tlu jer razvija snažni i vretenasti korijen koji se širi do dubine oko 30 centimetara. Listovi maslačka su dugi oko 20 centimetara, a cvjetovi su svijetložute boje i sadrže mliječni sok. Kod zrelih plodova nastaje dugi kljun koji je pri vrhu pun raširenih dlačica koje se lagano šire vjetrom.

Maslačak se još naziva radičem i žutinicom, a ljekoviti dijelovi su mu korijen i nadzemni dijelovi. Maslačak raste od ožujka do svibnja na travnjacima, voćnjacima, livadama, vrtovima i parkovima, tj svugdje gdje vjetar uspije raspršiti plodove. Može ga se vidjeti uz svaki puteljak, prolaz, cestu i na pločnicima.

Bere se u proljeće uz pomoć prikladnog oruđa za iskapanje korijena, nakon čega se razreže i vješa u zračnom prostoru kako bi se posušio. Moguće ga je sušiti i na umjetnoj toplini.

Ljekovita svojstva maslačka

Korijen maslačka sadrži ljekovite tvari poput gorke tvari, saponina, mineralnih tvari, eteričnog ulja, kolina, vitamina, tvari koje imaju enzimatsko djelovanje, tanina, elemenata u tragovima, inulina i bjelančevina.

Za čaj od korijena maslačka će vam biti potrebne 2 žlice narezane suhe biljke koju je potrebno preliti sa 1/4 l hladne vode. Zatim je vodu potrebno zagrijati i ostaviti da kuha oko jedne minute. Nakon što kuhani čaj odstoji 10 minuta, spreman je za konzumaciju.

Čaj od korijena maslačaka pomaže i u izlučivanju bubrežnih kamenaca, tako da se napravi čaj od 2 žlice maslačka, koji se prelije sa 1/2 l hladne vode, pa se sve zajedno stavi kuhati i kada zakipi nakon 20 minuta čaj se ocijedi. Gotovi čaj pomiješajte s još 300 dcl tople vode i popijte ga u roku od 20 minuta.

U narodnoj medicini maslačak je jedan od čestih sastojaka, a cijenjen je i kao salata koja se radi od listova maslačka, dok se listovi mogu kuhati i kao povrće.

Maslačak je odličan kod poticanja apetita, a glasi kao biljka koja ima nevjerojatno okrepljujuće djelovanje. Čaj od maslačka nema štetnih nuspojava, ali svježi maslačak može prouzročiti trovanje kod djece zbog čega valja biti oprezan kod igranja djece s maslačkom. Saznajte koje su još bilje otrovne za ljude.

VEROVALI ILI NE: Tri seks poze koje muškarci ne vole

Slikovni rezultat za seks poze koje muškarci ne vole

Iako je opšte prihvaćeno mišljenje da muškarci preferiraju seks uvek i bilo kako, ipak to nije tačno.

Postoje poze koje im nisu baš drage, pre svega jer su neudobne.

Seks u kadi

Nedostatak prostora i voda su razlozi zbog kojih bi muškarci izbegli seks u kadi. Nema ništa gore nego kad vas tokom odnosa slavina bode u leđa ili kad se iznenada okliznete i završite u vodi. Osim toga, voda je loš lubrikant.

Seks u stojećem položaju

Iako u filmovima uvek izgleda strasno i spontano, u stvarnosti je stojeća poza jako teška. Za početak, muškarac mora na rukama da drži celu težinu partnerke, a čak i ako mu je to u početku lako, kasnije će postati bolno.


Ženama je to jedna od najromantičnijih poza, ali muškarcima nije baš omiljena. Dok u misionarskom položaju mogu da uživaju u pogledu na lice i grudi partnerke, u ovoj pozi ne vide ništa posebno.