
Oblatne s Jaffa keksima

 Ukusan kolač s Jaffa keksima i oblatnama koji se zaista brzo priprema, ali i zaista brzo nestaje s tanjura... Svakako provjerite naš slatk...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Risotto with Butternut Squash

Butternut squash risotto
Serving cooked rice with vegetables is an ideal way to introduce texture to your baby's food. Butternut squash is now more readily available in supermarkets, although you could substitute it with pumpkin instead.

Prep 2 minutes
Cook 25 minutes
Best for
Baby 9-12 months
Serves 4


50g onion, chopped
25g unsalted butter
110g basmati rice
450ml boiling water
150g butternut squash, peeled and chopped
225g ripe tomatoes, skinned, deseeded and chopped
50g Cheddar cheese, grated


Saute the onion in half the butter until softened.
Stir in the rice until well coated.
Pour over the boiling water, cover pan with a lid and cook for 8 minutes over a high heat.
Stir in the butternut squash, reduce the heat and cook, covered, for about 12 minutes or until or the water had been absorbed.
Meanwhile, melt the remaining butter in a small saucepan, add the tomatoes and saute for 2-3 minutes,
Stir in the cheese until melted, then stir the tomato and cheese mixture into the cooked rice.

Zapečeni pizza makaroni

Potrebno je:

* 400 g makarona                                                            Preliv :
* 300 g šampinjona                                                        
* proizvoljne količine parizera                             *  2 jajeta
* pureće šunke                                                      *  1 čaša jogurta (ili pavlake za kuvanje)                     * sira                                                                     *  malo soli
* suvog mesa
* kečapa
* po ukusu origana
* malo margarina


1. Makarone skuhati u slanoj vodi, procijediti, isprati hladnom vodom. Dodati na kockice rezanu  pureću šunku, suho meso, rendan parizer, na kockice isjeckan sir, malo kečapa i origana. Na malo      ulja prodinstati šampinjone narezane na listiće, posoliti i njih, takođe, dodati.
2. Sve dobro sjediniti,pa sipati u vatrostalni sud, premazan sa malo margarina.
3. Premazati kečapom, naribati malo sira.
4. Umutiti jaja i jogurt (ili pavlaku za kuvanje), posoliti, pa preliti preko sira. Preko naribati još malo    sira,posuti origanom.
5. Zapeći u pećnici zagrijanoj na 200 C.