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Friday, December 23, 2016

Lemon, Ginger and Turmeric Tea To Detoxify Your Liver

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Sometimes the food we eat, is not completely digested by the body and is stored in other parts of the body causing several problems like inflammation, bloating, and sometimes weight gain. And if that food is not properly detoxified, it may affect cardiovascular health, kidney problems, liver dysfunction and even stomach issues. And for this purpose there are hundreds of detox drinks available that can be made easily at home.

The most popular detox drink ingredient is lemon and honey. The benefit of lemon and honey is doubled with turmeric, ginger and with the slight touch of cayenne pepper. This double benefit drink is ideal to clear out the lungs and liver, kidney and food saved in the form of fats in intestines.

Have a look at the ingredients and directions:


* Boiling water: 1 cup
* Fresh lemon juice: 1 tbsp.
* Turmeric: 1 stem
* Ginger: 1 tsp. chopped
* Honey: 1 tsp.
* A pinch of cayenne pepper.


Boil water and add ginger root and let the mixture steep for 1-2 minutes. Then add lemon juice, pepper and honey and drink warm. Consume this drink early in the morning before breakfast and see its wonders.


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