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Sunday, October 1, 2017

How can I tell if my baby is ready for solids?

Image result for How can I tell if my baby is ready for solids?

If you are thinking of weaning your baby there are some signs to look out for that will help you decide if the time is right. Your baby may be ready if she:

* Can hold her head up. Your baby needs to be able to maintain a steady, upright position, to take her first foods.

* Sits well when supported. You may have to have your baby on your lap at first. A highchair can be pulled into action a bit later when she can sit up by herself.

* Makes chewing motions. Your baby should be able to move food to the back of her mouth and swallow. As your baby learns to swallow efficiently you may notice that she dribbles less. She may even have a tooth or two.

* Has gained a healthy weight. Most babies are ready to eat semi-solids when they've doubled their birth weight. This may happen before or around their sixth month.

* Is curious about what you're eating. Is she eyeing your meals and reaching out to try foods you're moving from your plate to your mouth?

* Has good coordination. She should be able to look at food, grab it and put it in her mouth, all by herself.

There are several signs that are often mistaken for a baby being ready for first foods. These include:

-Chewing her fists.
-Waking in the night when she previously slept through.
-Wanting extra milk feeds.

These are just things that growing babies do, and they don't necessarily mean that your baby is ready for solids.

Even when you see signs that your baby is ready to start solids, experts recommend waiting until she's around six months before starting weaning.

Waiting until six months to give your baby her first foods protects her health. It reduces the chance that she will develop allergies or pick up an infection from food, because at six months her immune system and digestive system are stronger.

It's especially important not to give your baby food before six months if you have a family history of allergies or coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is triggered by the gluten in grains.

If you feel your baby needs to start solids before six months, bear in mind Department of Health guidelines. These state that babies should not have solid foods, at the earliest, before the end of their fourth month (17 weeks). You should also only give her foods that are suitable for her age.

If you are planning to start your baby on solids before six months talk to your health visitor first. It's also worth watching our first aid for choking video, to make sure your first-aid skills are up to date.

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