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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

How to lose weight in 15 days


Weight loss in 15 day, a reality with healthy diet and exercise routine.

Do you want to lose weight in 15 days but wondering about the effectiveness of the weight loss plan? Well, our expert Dr Neha Sanwalka, nutritionist and dietician, explains that a person can lose around 2-3 kg of weight in a healthy way in 15 days. Additionally, it doesn’t involve strenuous exercises or fasting nor do you feel exhausted at the end of the day. All you need to do is eat healthy and exercise regularly to lose weight in the stipulated time. Here’s a quick-guide to help you out in shedding to extra kilos within 15 days.

Lose weight in 15 days – How is it possible?

Dr Neha says, ‘A high protein, moderate carbohydrate and low fat diet is the most effective diet plan to lose weight in 15 days. It is important to maintain a correct balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats to lose weight in a healthy manner. With a high protein diet, maximum weight loss in the short period of 15 days is ensured and moderate carbohydrates are essential for fuelling the brain and muscles. The low fat diet fulfils the body’s requirement of fatty acids for various metabolic processes.’
A diet plan consisting of one day detox diet followed by a high protein diet (alternate detox and high protein diet) is the most effective diet plan for losing weight in 15 days. Here is a sample diet plan you can follow to lose weight in 15 days. However, repeat this diet cycle for 15 days to attain effective results.

#1 Detox day or 1st day

Morning: Drink a glass of vegetable juice the first thing in the morning as it helps in flushing out various toxins in the body. Read about ayurvedic detox diet — a step-by-step guide to cleansing your body.

Breakfast: Your breakfast should comprise a fruit (preferably watermelon) or any seasonal fruit along with 3-4 soaked almonds. This will provide you the necessary carbohydrates and proteins required to start your day and fill your stomach till afternoon.

Mid-morning: A glass of coconut water consumed during this time serves as a good way to keep your metabolism rate up and prevent a fall in your blood sugar levels.

Lunch:A bowl of salad coupled with one bowl of vegetable soup (without any cream) forms a healthy meal to lose weight in 15 days.

Mid-afternoon: Consume a plate of papaya, if you feel hungry in the afternoon. This will not only fill your stomach but also provide you the necessary amount of carbohydrates aiding your weight loss goals.

Evening: For your evening cravings, consume a glass of coconut water instead of tea or coffee. Apart from being healthy in nature, it will satiate your hunger pangs, thereby helping you to stick to your weight loss goal.

Dinner: Your dinner has to be same as that in the lunch; you should consume a bowl of salad and a bowl of vegetable soup as part of your dinner. Here are 6 healthy salad dressing recipes for weight loss.

#2 High protein diet

Morning/breakfast: Drink a glass of milk in the morning to kick-start your day. For your breakfast, consume a bowl of sprouts to pack a protein punch to your body. However, if you are non-vegetarian and wish to eat eggs, one egg white omelette is what you should eat.

Mid-morning: For your mid-morning craving, consume a yellow-orange fruit (preferably seasonal fruits) to load your body with simple carbohydrates.

Lunch: A bowl of salad with 2 chappatis, one bowl of dal or chicken curry and a vegetable curry forms a healthy and nutritious lunch to keep you motivated with your weight loss plan.
Mid –afternoon: A bowl of curd or a glass of butter milk consumed at around 3 – 4 pm acts as a perfect mid-afternoon snack to satiate your cravings and fill your stomach.

Evening: As a part of your evening snack, consume a bowl of chicken or egg soup (or sprouts soup, if you are a vegetarian) and a medium-sized fruit to keep you active and calm your hunger pangs. Here’s how to lose weight quickly with the help of these 10 Indian foods.

Dinner: For your dinner, a plate of roasted chicken/grilled fish is recommended. However for vegetarians, roasted paneer or sprouts should form their dinner.

Late-night cravings – how to deal with it?

Dr Neha explains, ‘Normally people crave for sweet, starchy or salty foods when they have late-night cravings. In such cases, a bowl of fresh fruits or a fistful of dry fruits are good choices to achieve your weight loss goal. However, never gorge on ice-cream or chips in the night as they may spoil your entire weight loss regime.’
Another way to avoid late-night binge is to divert your mind from food cravings. In such cases, reading a book or doodling might do the trick and help you to stick to your plan and lose weight in 15 days. Here are 7 healthy snacks that aid in weight loss.

Exercise routine for 15 days weight loss plan

For any weight loss regime, 80% consist of diet and 20% comprises exercise. As you need to lose weight within 15 days, your workout regime should focus on your entire body rather than focussing on specific body parts. ‘A person should perform cardio exercises for 45-60 minutes a day to facilitate good weight loss in 15 days, advises Dr Neha. Here are few cardio exercises that might help you in weight loss:
For faster and effective outcome, you can couple cardio with weight training. This will ensure you are burning calories along with improving your metabolic rate. Here’s how you can overcome top 10 excuses for not exercising.

Tips to keep in mind

Apart from diet and exercise to lose weight, there are few aspects you need to take care of to lose weight within the stipulated time. These include -

#1 Check your water intake: Water is an essential component for good health and weight loss as well. A person should drink 8-10 glasses of water every day in addition to eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

#2 Stay away from stress: Most people tend to gain weight when stressed out due to release of various hormones in the body, which may hinder your weight loss goal. Hence, you should perform meditation, yoga or indulge in a hobby for at least 15-20 minutes to relax your mind and body.

#3 Get your sleep and rest: For a healthy weight loss plan, it is essential to get 6-7 hours of sleep and rest to relax your body. This is because, a sound sleep will refresh your mind and body and make you energetic the next day.

#4 Be medically fit: If you are planning to lose weight, you should make sure that your blood biochemistry for hormones like thyroid and vitamins like vitamin D and vitamin B12 are normal before starting the 15 day diet. If these blood levels are not within the normal range, it would adversely affect your health and your weight loss efforts as well. Here’s how you can lose weight in 7 days.

Weight loss – 2 things you should know

#1 Role of metabolism in weight loss
In simple terms, metabolism is the process by which your body converts food to energy. In order to lose weight, you have to boost your metabolism so that stored fats are well utilised by the body. Read how exactly metabolic changes can help you to lose weight.

Here are top 10 foods to boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.

Green tea

#2 Calorie intake and weight loss

Just because you want to lose weight, there’s no need to hate calories. A proper calorie intake, including those obtained from fats, is extremely important for boosting metabolism. Apart from this, the more you eat healthy, the better your body will be fuelled with energy.

*Opt low-calorie foods such as cabbage, bell peppers, garlic, almonds, cucumber and watermelon.
*Add fibre-rich food to your diet
*Avoid sugars, stimulants like coffee and energy boosters.
*Include spices in your diet
*Replace alcohol with water

With these weight loss tricks and tips, you can lose 2 – 3 kilos of weight in 15 days and that too in a healthy manner. However track down your progress after 15 days with these apps and follow this simple plan to ensure effective outcomes in quick time.


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